Why You Too Should Start a Newsletter

Reasons why I am starting a newsletter and why I would encourage you to do the same:

  1. You engage with one of the most powerful inventions of all time - Writing. I have a personal list of my top 5 inventions of all time and writing for me is most definitely one of them. Writing allows you to exchange ideas across century. Every once in a while when I read a book written by someone who lived 100 years ago, I find myself in awe of the thought that I am hearing their stream of consciousness. Their thoughts, their ideas, their beliefs. There’s nothing more core to the essence of a human being. And to do so across such vasts amount of time? It’s time travel. Writing allows you to travel across time and space.

    The more I write this, the more I realise this is more about why you should write as opposed to why you should start a newsletter. I’m just going to keep going with that line of thinking.

  2. Writing is self-discovery. I once heard that great rappers are deeply admired because they are dangerously articulate and the mouthpiece of the underclass. Which the more I thought about it, the more obvious it seemed. Of course they are. That makes sense. It’s them being articulate that makes them powerful.

    However, that idea also taught me something else. Words allow people to see themselves. Even if the words aren’t theirs. The act of writing offers us a window within. There are times I’ve written about things I didn’t even know I was thinking and feeling because it is a discovery of self.

  3. It makes you more articulate. This one is better tested out than explained.

    Now for some actual points about writing a newsletter:

  4. Writing a newsletter is free.

  5. You can write whatever you want, however you want. How often do you truly experience freedom?

  6. You build an audience of people who are interested in what you have to say (or at the bare minimum, non-tech-savvy, can’t find the unsubscribe button types).

  7. You get to personally connect with people.

  8. You get to come back to things you thought about in the past.

  9. Something you write might be exactly what someone needed to take the next step.

  10. I’ll be honest with you. I had 9. But I kept hearing my primal self saying “Round number good”.

First newsletter. Hope you enjoyed it. I did this with a timer on my iPhone because done is better than perfect. I did not want to sit on this endlessly. Having this out no matter how shitty the writing came out, is far more valuable than a beautifully composed sonnet that never saw the light of day.

Till next time.